Monday, May 1, 2017

Letter #39 -Opposition In All Things

May 1, 2017

Dear Friends and a Family,

These last few weeks have been a little rough, but I really like the transfer goal that we
haves set for ourselves this transfer. As we have been going around to the members and
talking to them about member missionary work and have sought to keep things more
focused on our purpose, we have started a list of all the members and the people they
are working with. Our transfer goal is to keep up with this list and to ask the members
periodically how things are doing with those they are working with and how we can help.
Last week we asked four or five members about the people they had mentioned. A few
came up to us to give them updates themselves. Not very many of their friends seem to
be very interested at the moment, but I believe it is helping the members think more
consistently about their efforts and that if we are consistent, our efforts will, in time, bear
fruit. We have had one of their neighbors invite them and (and later us) to their church.
The members said that they would go to his church if he went to ours. He accepted and
last week they went to his church. He should be coming to ours soon, and we may end up
going to his if it is in the area boundaries.

Sister Prue

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