Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Letter #12 - Short and Sweet

October 10, 2016

It's another holiday, which means typing on my iPad, which means I'm
going to keep it short. Yesterday marked two months in Texas. Crazy.
This week we will have a conference with Elder Kim B. Clark, which is
cool because he is the former president of BYU-I and used to be in my
ward. We also will have a few other meetings, so it will be lighter on
typical missionary work. We've been working more and more with the
members and one day we went on a four hour exchange with one of the
counselors in the bishopric and his wife. We worked on the ward's
search and rescue list. We knocked on houses to try and locate the
member, although in these cases we already knew they didn't live there
any longer, so another step was to talk to their neighbors to see if
anyone knew where they went. Our ward receives bread donations from
Panera bread and so we took bread with us when we went to talk to the
neighbors and we left bread with them. We were able to teach a lesson
along the way and we also bumped into someone at one of the addresses
who is looking for a church. It was a good experience and the ward
hopes to continue to utilize us in this way. I've also been working on
reading the General conference talks. Mostly I read priesthood
session's talks. They were all ready good. I liked the one about the
Book of Mormon and also President Utchdorf's talk about Alma and
Amulek. Anyway, hopefully a longer letter next week. Have a great
Love, Sister Prue

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